The 1875 Liberties Whiskey Fire

One of the most destructive fires in the history of the city occurred on 18 June 1875, when a disastrous fire in the Liberties area of the city saw burning whiskey flow through the streets of the area like lava. A malt house and a bonded warehouse went up in flames, leaving the burning liquid to flow down Ardee Street and Mill Street. The fire began just after 8pm, and contemporary news reports give an idea of just how much burning booze was involved, with the Illustrated London News reporting:

The fire was at Reid’s malt-house and Malone’s bonded warehouse, in the Liberties. The former had above £2000 worth of malt in it, and the latter, which immediately adjoins it, had 1800 puncheons of whisky, the property of various distillers, and worth £54,000.

Read more about The 1875 Liberties Whiskey Fire

Explosion Severity: Propane Versus Natural Gas

Alfonso Ibarreta, Ph.D., PE, CFEI, Timothy Myers, Ph.D., PE, CFEI, CFI, James Bucher, Ph.D., CFEI and Kevin Marr, Ph.D., CFEI Exponent, USA

Presented at International Symposium on Fire Investigation, 2012

Natural gas, composed mainly of methane, is in some ways similar to propane gas. Both fuels have similar energy densities per unit mass, and similar laminar premixed flame burning velocities. However, propane explosions have been shown to produce higher overpressures in unconfined explosion tests when compared to methane. In vapor cloud explosion modeling, methane is considered to be a “low” reactivity fuel, while propane is listed as a “medium” reactivity fuel. In closed vessel explosion testing, the maximum rate of pressure rise for propane is almost twice than that for methane (based on KG  values reported in NFPA 68 (2007) Standard for Explosion Protection by Deflagration Venting , table E.1).

This study provides a direct comparison of the explosion severity between commercial propane and natural gas. Empirical correlations available for vented vessel explosions and unconfined Vapor Cloud Explosions (VCEs) are used to predict the difference in overpressure expected for a commercial propane explosion versus natural gas explosion. Although the maximum laminar burning velocity associated with propane is only about 15% higher than that associated with methane, commercial propane explosions are expected to result in overpressures that are about 40% higher than that of a natural gas explosion under identical conditions with a perfectly-mixed nearstoichiometric fuel-air mixture, based on empirical correlations.

In addition to the laminar burning velocity, other fundamental differences in the fuels may also play an important role in the explosion severity. Propane has a slightly higher expansion ratio than methane when undergoing combustion. The mass diffusivity of propane and methane are also quite different, making the premixed propane flame more prone to wrinkling under turbulent conditions. Future testing in the 20-L explosion chamber is suggested.

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Meet a NAFI member: Richard Meier

Meet a NAFI member: Richard Meier

Everyone at the National Association of Fire Investigators works hard to make sure our members reach their goals by supporting them with a variety of NFPA based trainings, certifications, and resources. When our members have the relevant education and resources that meet their needs, we’ve succeeded! We are proud of our team and are happy to share more about them with you.

Rich Meier is a Senior Staff Expert, Fire and Explosion Analyst, Lead Investigator with John A. Kennedy & Associates, Inc. He has a BS in Mechanical Engineering Technology from the University of Akron that he earned while working full time, serving in the US Army Reserves and being called to active duty.

Rich lived in Illinois, Ohio and Texas as a child, and ended up in Ohio.  He moved to Florida in 2000 because he had had enough of snow, and loves boating and diving.

How did you get started working in fire investigation?
I first met Pat Kennedy while dating his daughter Christine, now my wife.  When he found out I was both a mechanical engineer and an avid boater, he asked me to consult on a couple of marine cases, one explosion and one fire on an antique yacht.  From there I was hooked.  I studied fire investigation for about 2 years before joining Kennedy and Associates full time.  It is the most interesting thing I’ve ever done and now I can’t imagine doing anything else.

Why is NAFI an important organization for fire investigation?
I feel that NAFI puts a lot of emphasis on the basics.  We stress the scientific method because it’s a reliable roadmap to follow when you’re doing your investigation.  Yes, we also teach more complex topics, but we try to make sure you have the fundamentals in place first.  That includes all the requirements of NFPA 1033, in addition to other useful skills.

What is your favorite part of being involved with NAFI?
Meeting and networking with the members.  Through NAFI I know people on almost every continent.  I hear some interesting stories and learn a lot.  After teaching a class someone will come up and say “You know…” or “What about…?”  I’ll go find out and hopefully my class is that much better the next time I teach it.

What advice do you have for fire investigators just starting out?Learn everything you can and never stop asking questions.  Listen to other fire investigators when you’re at a fire scene, but don’t take anything as gospel.  Some really know what they’re doing and some don’t.  When you think you know everything, it’s time to look for another career.

What is a quote you live by?
I have a lot of favorites, so I’m not sure that I can narrow it down to just one.  Here’s two…

“Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start.” – Nido Qubein

“Do something every day that scares you.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

Jilin Baoyuanfeng poultry plant fire

On 3 June 2013, a fire at the Jilin Baoyuanfeng (吉林宝源丰) poultry processing plant in Mishazi (米沙子镇), a town about 35 km (22 mi) from Changchun, in Jilin province, People’s Republic of China, killed at least 120 people. More than 60 others were hospitalised with injuries.

Read more about Jilin Baoyuanfeng poultry plant fire.

Wrongful Arson Conviction: Case Review and Discussion

Robert J. Trenkle, CFI, CFEI

Presented at International Symposium on Fire Investigation, 2014

State of Michigan vs. Frederick Mardlin

On Monday, November 13, 2006 at 1410 hours (2:10 p.m.) a fire occurred at an owner occupied single family dwelling at 550 W. Mill Street, Capac, Michigan. The homeowner, Frederick Mardlin, lived there with his family and another family which was homeless and allowed to move in with the Mardlin’s. Prior to the fire, only Frederick Mardlin was home. He left the house to go to his brother’s house, who lived nearby. The fire was discovered by neighbors approximately 15-20 minutes after his departure. The fire was investigated by the local fire department, State Fire Marshal and a private investigator for the insurance company.

Numerous points made in the study by Paul Bieber, director, Arson Research Project, paralleled the Mardlin case, including mis-identifying the area of origin of the fire. Ignitable liquids were attributed to accelerating the fire although none were identified by laboratory analysis. Cognitive bias was apparent in their findings or they were the result of lacking knowledge in fire behavior, or both. Mr. Mardlin was convicted of Arson: Burning of a Dwelling House and Insurance Fraud. He was sentenced to ten years in prison. He served four years and was paroled. He was denied a new trial at the Appellate Court level and eventually the guilty verdict was vacated by the higher court. Hundreds of hours were spent by the appeals attorney, investigators and electrical engineer before the favorable outcome was reached. The discussion will explain the exhaustive efforts necessary to right the horrible wrong suffered by Mr. Mardlin.

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Underground leaks in propane or natural gas lines

Neglected Gasline Sign

Looking for an underground leak in a propane or natural gas line?  Go back to nature.  In addition to using your nose to detect the smell of the odorant (usually a mercaptan or similar compound), it is not unusual to see flies buzzing around the point where gas is leaking out of the ground.  Odorants are similar to the chemicals given off by rotting food, and the flies can’t tell the difference.  Other signs are dead grass or vegetation.  If the ground is wet, you may also see bubbles.

(Sources: R.Meier; and Explosion Investigation and Analysis by P.Kennedy)

The Great Halifax Explosion, 1917

World War I monument (the Great War), a field gun.
World War I monument (the Great War), a field gun.

At 9:05 a.m., in the harbor of Halifax in the Canadian province of Nova Scotia, the most devastating manmade explosion in the pre-atomic age occurs when the Mont Blanc, a French munitions ship, explodes 20 minutes after colliding with another vessel.

As World War I raged in Europe, the port city of Halifax bustled with ships carrying troops, relief supplies, and munitions across the Atlantic Ocean. On the morning of December 6, the Norwegian vessel Imo left its mooring in Halifax harbor for New York City. At the same time, the French freighter Mont Blanc, its cargo hold packed with highly explosive munitions–2,300 tons of picric acid, 200 tons of TNT, 35 tons of high-octane gasoline, and 10 tons of gun cotton–was forging through the harbor’s narrows to join a military convoy that would escort it across the Atlantic.

At approximately 8:45 a.m., the two ships collided, setting the picric acid ablaze. The Mont Blanc was propelled toward the shore by its collision with the Imo, and the crew rapidly abandoned the ship, attempting without success to alert the harbor of the peril of the burning ship. Spectators gathered along the waterfront to witness the spectacle of the blazing ship, and minutes later it brushed by a harbor pier, setting it ablaze. The Halifax Fire Department responded quickly and was positioning its engine next to the nearest hydrant when the Mont Blancexploded at 9:05 a.m. in a blinding white flash.

The massive explosion killed more than 1,800 people, injured another 9,000–including blinding 200–and destroyed almost the entire north end of the city of Halifax, including more than 1,600 homes. The resulting shock wave shattered windows 50 miles away, and the sound of the explosion could be heard hundreds of miles away.

Source –

Quantifying the Hazards of Green Building Construction for Fire Investigation Analysis

Jason A. Sutula, PhD, PE, CFEI, CFII, CFI
Noah L. Ryder, MSFPE, MBA, PE, CFEI

Over the last several years, a continued push to design and build “green or sustainable” buildings has accelerated throughout the United States. According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the term “green building” is defined as “…the practice of creating structures and using processes that are environmentally responsible and resource-efficient throughout a building’s life-cycle from siting to design, construction, operation, maintenance, renovation and deconstruction.” The goal of green building construction is to reduce the overall impact of building and development on human health and the environment.

While the concept of green building construction and green materials is important from a global perspective to ensure minimal impact of growth and development on the environment, little thought has been given to the impact of green building construction and green materials on fire initiation or fire growth within green buildings or with green materials. The risk of using these materials in building construction has been highlighted by a number of recent fires in which firefighters were killed or injured, property losses have been excessive, and unexpected fire damage has been observed.

In the event that a fire incident occurs within green building construction, the type and installation locations of the green materials can result in enhanced heat release rates and pathways of fire spread not typically observed with standard construction materials. The composition, construction, and placement of green materials in newly constructed structures runs the risk of creating fire damage that may be misinterpreted by investigators after a fire incident.

Thus, a need exists to develop a methodology that can be used to valuate and compare the potential fire growth risk associated with green materials. This paper proposes the use of the cone alorimeter as a standard test method that would allow for relevant material properties and material performance data to be obtained on green materials. Example data is presented and linked to the potential consequences of fire growth on green materials as well as the probability of a fire occurring or spreading. A simple formulation is then proposed that can be used to compare the relative performance of green materials and the risk associated with them. Finally, the example data is extrapolated within a limited example of a post-fire scene reconstruction to assess resulting damage patterns in the context of green materials.

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Meet the NAFI team: Ron Hopkins

Meet the NAFI team: Ron Hopkins, President of NAFI

Everyone at the National Association of Fire Investigators works hard to make sure our members reach their goals by supporting them with a variety of NFPA based trainings, certifications, and resources. When our members have the relevant education and resources that meet their needs, we’ve succeeded! We are proud of our team and are happy to share more about them with you.

Ron Hopkins is a full time fire investigation and explosion investigation consultant with TRACE Fire Protection and Safety Consultants. He was a faculty member of the Fire and Safety Engineering Technology program at Eastern Kentucky University for over thirty years teaching undergraduate and graduate level courses. He has also been a career or volunteer fire fighter for 50 years and is a third generation fire fighter. Ron is also the President of NAFI.

Ron has been married for 11 years to his lovely wife Pamela, between them they have four adult children, two sons and two daughters.

How did you get started working in fire investigation?
I got started in fire service in February 1966, my whole family had been a part of the fire service as volunteer and career members. While I was a career Fire Fighter with the Murray, Kentucky Fire Department I did some small fire investigations as a part of the requirement to complete fire run reports. From there, after completing my Master’s degree I joined the faculty Eastern Kentucky University teaching then in the Fire Prevention and Control (later named the Fire and Safety Engineering Technology Program). My teaching assignments were such that they allowed me to expand my involvement in the fire and explosion investigation field.

Why is NAFI an important organization for fire investigation?
NAFI has been a leader in the Fire Investigation profession for a very long time. Representatives of NAFI have been very active in both the national and international effort to improve the body of knowledge and technology of fire and explosion investigation and analysis. NAFI has had representation on the NFPA Technical Committee for Fire Investigation, which is responsible for NFPA 921, Guide for Fire and Explosion Investigation since the technical committee was formed. NAFI was the first professional organization to officially endorse NFPA 921 and NFPA 1033 Professional Qualifications for Fire Investigator by organizational resolution. There have been many important projects and research accomplished over the past 40 years that has had a tremendous impact on the continued improvement of the fire and explosion investigation profession.

Another key action that NAFI took was to be the first of the professional organization to organize and offer a professional credential for fire and explosion investigators. The NAFI Certified Fire and Explosion Investigator (CFEI) program is a methodology for Fire and Explosion investigators to demonstrate that they have a body of knowledge and experience to meet the certification requirements. Certification does not mean that you’re the best, but it does mean that you’ve demonstrated the required degree of proficiency. Over the years, NAFI has expanded the opportunities for other important certification programs including the Certified Fire Investigator Instructor (CFII) and Certified Vehicle Fire Investigator (CVFI) which have also gained national and international participation and acceptance.

Lastly, NAFI recognized the need to enhance the need to reach out to those in the Fire and Explosion Investigation community and established the International Association of Fire Investigators.

What is your favorite part of being on the board with NAFI?
The organization continues to grow, being more involved in the fire and explosion investigation community and most importantly continues to improve. My belief as a member of the NAFI board, continued improvement is absolutely critical; personal development, professional development, it’s a part of everything we do. Improvement is why I remain active on the board and in the teaching of my professions, not only during NAFI sponsored programs, but teaching investigators in many of the US States and all over the world, including Canada, Korea, England, Germany, Malaysia, China, and Saudi Arabia

By participating in NAFI and other professional organizations, the profession gets better, people that don’t share, don’t help to improve the profession.

What advice do you have for Fire Investigators that are just starting out?
This is a very difficult question to answer. Entering into the field of fire and explosion investigation is different from other professions. There are limited options for entering the private sector with no or very limited experience. Some of the larger investigation companies and insurance companies are an option. The other option is through the fire service or law enforcement.

Either way, someone wishing to enter should:
1 – Study the sciences, you need to have a science background in addition to good investigative skills.
2 – Get practical, hands on experience, to balance your academics.
3 – Become active in your state fire service training entities.
4 – Find a good mentor or a position that offers good on the job training opportunities. Keeping in mind that only so much can be done at the academic level.

What is a quote that you live by?
Start early, stay late.

What is your favorite thing to do in your down time?
I’m an accomplished woodworker, my last big project was our kitchen cabinets, my wife made stained glass panels as inserts.

When you were a child, what did you want to do when you grew up?
Did not know. However, when I graduated from High School and completed my tour in the USAF, I wanted to be a High School shop teacher. That lasted 8 weeks and three days in the public school system, but I still had the desire to teach. Thanks to Eastern Kentucky University, NAFI and other Fire and Safety related organizations I was able to fulfill that plan.

Final thoughts:
Retirement is great, it provides me time to do the things that are important. Shop time, family time, and sharing my thoughts with others through sharing information.

Which ignites at a higher temperature? Hard or soft woods?

Which ignites at a higher temperature, hard or soft woods?  If you said hard woods, think again.  Because of the composition and structure of their cell walls, soft woods generally require a higher temperature to ignite.  (Now what, Fire Biology?)

(Source: Measurement of the Ignition Temperature of Wood, Yudong, L. and Drysdale, D.)