For advanced shipment of these materials please order them directly from the NAFI store
NFPA 921 - Guide for Fire and Explosion Investigations (available for pick up only unless ordered through the NAFI store) $155.00
NFPA 1033 - Professional Qualifications for Fire Investigators (available for pick up only unless ordered through the NAFI store) $149.00
CFEI Study Guide - PDF Format (Emailed) $14.00
Fees for the Training Program should be prepaid by check, or credit card. Prepaid fees are fully refundable up until January 20, 2025; thereafter, individual registrants may be substituted, but refunds will not be made. All invoices must be paid by January 20, 2025.
This registration is NOT a reservation but a commitment to attend and pay for the training program. Registrants who do not cancel or transfer their registration by January 20, 2025, will be charged a $200 Cancellation fee.
The training program will be held at the Hilton Baltimore BWI Airport Hotel.
*By Submitting your registration you agree to be included in the training program participant list.
Book by phone at 1-800-HILTONS to enjoy a special attendees-only room rate of $130.00
1739 W. Nursery Rd. | Linthicum, MD 21090